Prof. ZHANG, Shi Ping
(HK, China)

Associate Professor,
Teaching and Research Division,
Chairman of TATSCMI

School of Chinese Medicine,
Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof. ZHANG, Shi Ping Photo

Dr. Zhang received his bachelor degree in Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1987. He then went to Australia and studied at the University of Sydney to obtain his PhD degree in neuroscience in 1993. In 1998, he moved to the Hong Kong Baptist University and took part in establishing the first Chinese Medicine undergraduate program in Hong Kong Baptist University. His current research interests include clinical trial study of acupuncture efficacy, TCM cybernetics and telehealth. He has published over 100 scientific papers, many in SCI journals. He is the co-editor of a comprehensive clinical acupuncture manual 針灸臨床精要 (Essential of Clinical Acupuncture). He holds two invention patents in tongue diagnosis. He is currently the principle investigator for three research projects with funding over 4 million HKD. These projects are: (i) funded by the ITC and the Ministry of Science and Technology (Research and Development of Warm Palace Analgesic Point Stickers Based on the Modern Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine); (ii) funded by the Health and Medical Research Fund (Diabetes screening and monitoring using tongue images and self-reported symptoms: a machine learning approach); and (iii) funded by the Chinese Medicine Development Fund (Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of novel coronavirus infection: a retrospective study). In June 2022, he applied for and received funding from the HKBU research committee’s International Activities Programme to host the 1st International Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine Tele-healthcare.