Dr. CHOW, Peter S.T.


The International College of Classical Chinese Medicine

Dr. CHOW, Peter S.T. Photo


Peter S.T. CHOW

Other Author:


Author Affiliation:

the International College of Classical Chinese Medicine


COVID-19; Tele-healthcare


The COVID-19 pandemic limited access to healthcare and medicine to patients seeking medical assistance; however, implementing tele-healthcare is beneficial in providing the attention needed for higher success rates in the recovery of illness. Here we report the data on tele-healthcare outcomes, specifically the positive correlation of impact on the treatment of COVID-19 and management of post-infection conditions. With primary utilization of video calling, patients provided the necessary visuals (i.e., tongue, etc.) required by the practitioners to facilitate the most appropriate treatment plan. Other methods include photography of visuals sent during or prior to patients’ virtual visits. Tele-healthcare provides patients the ability to receive medical care against restraints of in-person visit availability.



Funding Source:


Conflict of Interests:

The author reports no conflicts of interest related to this study.


Master Peter Chow TCM Dr., ND(Hong Kong), L.Ac., MAM.
Master Chow is the 28th descendent of the Chow’s Lineage of I-Ching, Feng-shui, Chinese medicine and martial arts. He is a renowned international speaker and a licensed acupuncturist in Arizona with over thirty-five years of the experience in Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, zone therapy, Tai-chi and Qi-gong. Master Chow started his study of the family philosophy when he was six, and has been promoting Chinese culture for over 40 years. He owned and operated a medical clinic and school of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong for many years, where students came to learn and practice all Traditional Chinese Medical related techniques. Master Chow is a Medical Qi-gong and Tai Chi master of Yang, Wu and Chan Style with over fifty years of practice. He is the indoor student of Master Kwan Hau Bun, the national treasure and the best teacher award winner in China. Master Chow was the Vice-president of the Acupuncture Society of Arizona in 1999 and was also an adjunct faculty of the Rainstar University of Arizona. Master Chow is the founder of the International College of Classical Chinese Medicine, the Chinese Cultural Institute, and the Chinese Traditional Therapeutic Center in Arizona. Master Chow has been practicing Telehealth for over 30 years. His patients are from all over the world. His patients called him the telephone Doctor, not to fix their phones but the doctor who can help patients through telephone.